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Lab life and news

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Welcomes and goodbyes...

The end of August 2023 was such a bittersweet period of time. Rashmi has received the comments on her thesis, and just returned from a big trip to Sri Lanka, but no longer was working in the lab. Gabrielle was getting ready to leave and attend the Winter Conference of Neuroscience in Queenstown, NZ. Ilaria and Ingrid were wrapping up their lab work to return home and finish writing up their thesis. On the other hand, Anushka was just settling in and Leena and Evri literally just arrived to complete their internships. But for a short period of time, maybe just days, this is the biggest my lab has been and filled with truly the best students I have ever met. 

Future New PhD Alert!

Rashmi has submitted her thesis in February!

Well done Rashmi, it was an amazing 4 years working on your thesis together, now we are eagerly waiting for the reviewers' comments and feedback. So close! 

PS.: Never forget the blue liquid experiments. Crucial part of the work 

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Best Discovery Science Research Paper 2022 from Western Sydney University, School of Medicine went to our very own Rashmi Gamage! Congratulations Rashmi and the team who work on this paper! 


Lab Christmas Party 2022

This year, we decided to go and try something new: Pinot and Picasso in Camden! I think I can speak for everybody, and can honestly say that we had the best time! Even those of us who failed in art classes had a really fun time. The painting was actually really relaxing, we were either cracking up laughing or just deep in our thoughts and focusing on the creation of art. Thank you all who decided to give it a try and come out to celebrate another busy and productive year. What a year, what a team! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Erika

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